Program November 9 and 10, 2023
Dual Mode: In-person and Online
Place: José Zorrilla Auditorium, UTEM. 390 eighteenth street, Santiago, Metropolitan Region, Chile
November 9, 2023
Greeting from authorities
09:30 - 10:30
Good practices of Open Government in Subnational Governments.
Ms. Karina Delfino Mussa, Vicepresident of the Chilean Association of Municipalities.
Mr. Matías Salazar, Director of the Santiago Metro and Head of the Planning and Regional Development Division of the Regional Government of Santiago de Chile.
Mr. Daniel Cravacuore, Director of the Territorial Development Center of the National University of Quilmes, Argentina.
Mr. Franz Chavarria, Academic of the National University of San Antonio Abad of Cusco.
Ms. Roxana Silva Chicaiza, Associate Researcher of CIGECYT and the Citizen Movement Organization of Ecuador
Sr. Ignacio Ortiz Vila, Academic and General Coordinator of International Relations, Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero of Argentina UNTREF.
Buenas prácticas de Gobierno Abierto en Gobiernos Nacionales y Subnacionales ​
10:30 - 11:00
Coffe break
Challenges of the Open State and the Modernization of the State
Mr. Mauricio Silva, Minister of the Most Excellent Supreme Court of Chile, Member of the Open State table of Chile.
Yamhidlla Bica Destéffanis, Head of the Department of Studies and Gender of the Division of Social Organizations of the General Secretariat Ministry of Government.
Mr. Magnus Emmendoerfer, Academic University of Vicosa, Brazil and former president of the Brazilian Society of Public Administration – SBAP.
Mr. Ricardo Mena, Program Officer, southern cone office, of International IDEA, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.
Mr. Daniel Flores Muñoz, Academic and Researcher, University of Cartagena, Colombia.
Mr. Víctor Osorio, Former Minister of State, Director of National and International Relations of the Metropolitan Technological University UTEM
Economía, Política y Tecnologías, su relación con la modernización del Estadoy la Innovación Pública.
12:00 - 12:30
Words from Ms. Marisol Durán Santis, Rector of UTEM.
Keynote Talk: Mr. Rodrigo Lavandero, Interministerial Coordinator of Modernization Government of Chile
Cooperación Internacional para la innovación y transformación digital 4.0
November 9, 2023
09:00 - 10:00
Good practices of Open Government in Subnational Governments.
Ms. Karina Delfino Mussa, Vicepresident of the Chilean Association of Municipalities.
Mr. Matías Salazar, Director of the Santiago Metro and Head of the Planning and Regional Development Division of the Regional Government of Santiago de Chile.
Mr. Daniel Cravacuore, Director of the Territorial Development Center of the National University of Quilmes, Argentina.
Mr. Franz Chavarria, Academic of the National University of San Antonio Abad of Cusco.
Ms. Roxana Silva Chicaiza, Associate Researcher of CIGECYT and the Citizen Movement Organization of Ecuador
Sr. Ignacio Ortiz Vila, Academic and General Coordinator of International Relations, Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero of Argentina UNTREF.
La relevancia del enfoque del diseño como plataforma para la realización de políticas públicas.
10:00 - 10:20
Coffe break
Challenges of the Open State and the Modernization of the State
Mr. Mauricio Silva, Minister of the Most Excellent Supreme Court of Chile, Member of the Open State table of Chile.
Yamhidlla Bica Destéffanis, Head of the Department of Studies and Gender of the Division of Social Organizations of the General Secretariat Ministry of Government.
Mr. Magnus Emmendoerfer, Academic University of Vicosa, Brazil and former president of the Brazilian Society of Public Administration – SBAP.
Mr. Ricardo Mena, Program Officer, southern cone office, of International IDEA, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.
Mr. Daniel Flores Muñoz, Academic and Researcher, University of Cartagena, Colombia.
Mr. Víctor Osorio, Former Minister of State, Director of National and International Relations of the Metropolitan Technological University UTEM
Desafíos y Oportunidades de la Sociedad Civil, la Academia y los organismos multilaterales en la Modernización e Innovación de las Políticas Públicas.
11:30 - 12:20
Panel N° 6
Los Poderes del Estado y su desafío de modernizarse e innovar con foco en el ciudadano.
12:20 - 12:30
Words from Ms. Marisol Durán Santis, Rector of UTEM.
Keynote Talk: Mr. Rodrigo Lavandero, Interministerial Coordinator of Modernization Government of Chile
Palacio del Ex Congreso Nacional de Chile